
Showing posts from February, 2012

Watercolor Workshop - Day 2

Thanks to wonderful hubby who babysat our little ones all day today, I was able to attend the second day of Luminous Watercolor workshop with Marian Dunn . We spent today talking about how to lay down washes on the paper to create beautiful skies and other background effects. I also worked on another onion painting (didn't like this one), tried a painting on Yupo support (which I haven't finished yet...takes a long time to dry), completed one little landscape painting, and started another painting which I have not finished yet either. I don't often use a wet in wet technique, and may not incorporate it into every painting of mine, but it has been good information to learn and practice. Also, Marian is just a wonderful person with lovely positive feedback to give each of her students to encourage and help. How lucky I am to be a member of Utah Watercolor Society and surrounded by so many wonderful artists who are also wonderful instructors and who actually live right here ...

Watercolor Workshop with Marian Dunn

I signed up for the Feb mini workshop with Utah Watercolor Society. This one is being taught by Marian Dunn and the topic is Luminous Watercolor, which is something Marian is so skilled in. Today was day 1 of the workshop. I spent most of the day setting up a new palette and creating color charts to determine the properties of the different colors on my plaette...figuring out which are transparent and which are not, what colors can be used for glazing, and how those colors will relate to the other colors in a glaze. We also practiced "dropping in" color on the paper rather than mixing it in your palette to come up with more interesting grays. All good exercises and I may do more tomorrow. However, as a preparation for our workshop, Marian had each participant bring one white onion, one yellow onion, and one red onion in order to have good subject matter to paint. Onions have great reflections and luminosity and are a favorite subject in her paintings. Towards the end o...

One more Nibblefest offering

I liked the idea of a series of Chinese symbols like those I did for last month's Nibblefest (themed: Letters, Numbers, and Symbols). So, I think each month of Nibblefest going forward, I will include at least one offering that is a Chinese symbol of the monthly theme (as long as I am able to find a symbol that fits). This will build a series with variety and yet consistency. :) So, here is my Nibblefest auction #2:  " Moonlight " Moonlight  - watercolor  ©2012

Commission - Delicate Arch: "A Delicate Spring"

I finished my commission this weekend and my client is very happy with the final results (at least with the digital photos of the final painting that I emailed). Will be shipping the painting out later this week.  :) "A Delicate Spring" - Watercolor -  ©2012 Jennifer Love is the rest of the process (picking up from the last post): First of all, I decided to go ahead and tape around my edges like usual. It just gives a cleaner line when  you are finished with the painting. Next, I laid down another wash on the sky because it wasn't as blue as I wanted the first time. Color always dries lighter than it appears when wet. Also started laying in some grays and more greens in the background. I have been reading this book by Jeanne Dobie called "Making Color Sing" in preparation for another watercolor workshop I am attending next weekend. It girves some great instruction on mixing your own grays (warm and cool), and on laying do...

Commission: Delicate Arch - The process of a painting

So, I am in process of a commissioned painting of Delicate Arch. Here is another "process" post for those who are interested. I started out by scanning through my several reference photos of Delicate Arch. I have been lucky enough to hike up to the arch twice so far in my lifetime, and I took several photos both times, so I have a lot of angles to choose from. Perhaps me and hubby will have a chance to hike up again in the next year or two before he reaches a point when that particular hike won't be possible for him (due to balance and fatigue issues with PD). But, I am glad to say we have done the hike together once and have pics to show for it! I chose the reference photo I used on my last painting of Delicate since that is the one that was desired for the commission, but it's good to look through them all just to get "in the mood." :) Next comes the sketch. Techniques I like to use when sketching:  1-I print out an extra copy of my reference ph...