My Favorite Basics

Updated from a previous post... I was once asked about the brand of paint I use and whether I prefer cold water or hot water to paint. Both were interesting questions and I didn't have an immediate answer for that customer - though I should have! After that, I have made an effort to become more aware of the supplies I use to create my artwork, and why I prefer some brands over others. This has been a good exercise for me as well as arming me with the sure knowledge of the answers to those questions should they arise again sometime in the future! "A Patchwork Fall" - watercolor ©Jennifer Love I once ran out of Ultramarine Blue paint in my palette and had to replace it with a tube from a brand I don't normally use. While the color match was similar, the properties of the paint differed quite a bit in use. It helped me realize why I seek out my preferred brand of paint. :) As to the cold vs. hot water, I generally use cold tap water. Over ti...