Right Brain? Left Brain? ... Let's Rid Ourselves of the Labels and the Preconceived Notions!

Background image source: Death to Stock Photos Are you a Right Brain or a Left Brain...a "numbers person" or a "creative sort"? Why should we have to choose? Why do we need to define ourselves as an "analytical thinker" or a "creative thinker"? Why can't a person be both? Has anyone heard of Leonardo DaVinci - one of the most important historical figures to contribute to both science and to art? Anyone remember a theoretical physicist named Albert Einstein - who also happened to be a violinist and a pianist? Image sources: Public domain. Copyright belongs to photographers/designers/image owners Image sources: Public domain. Copyright belongs to photographers/designers/image owners I happen to work in a very analytical profession. Most of my days are spent analyzing data and trying to interpret that data into useful reports to help inform the business decisions of our organization. ...