Paintings for Parkinson's 2016 - Our Story

Updated from April 2014 post... December 2013 I was going to call this “my story,” but it’s really not about me. It’s about us . It’s about me and my husband, Steve, and our life together. Our story begins on January 9, 2004…our first date. At age 30, while young in the grand scheme of things, I was nearly considered for spinsterhood here in Utah, where marriage between ages 18-25 is very common. When you pass that mid-twenties mark, you quickly find yourself in lonesome territory, where most of the men you meet in your age range are already married with kids. By 27 years old, it feels like your odds of finding a date, let alone husband, are almost nonexistent. By 30, you’d better resign yourself to the single life and make your peace with it! Not that I was on the hunt for a husband. In fact, I had settled into my life and reached a place where I was content. I had purchased a house, I had a good job, a cat, and I was able to set up my paints and ...