FRIDAY FEATURE: Featured Artist ~ Catherine Darling Hostetter

Here is a re-post of my Friday Feature of whimsical artist Catherine Darling Hostetter (first published 4/24/15). Enjoy! ______________________________________ I am trying a new thing with my blog that I am going to call FRIDAY FEATURE. These posts might include Top 10 lists, products/services I have found useful, or other art-related topics (beyond writing about my own art). To start out, I am writing a series of features about artists I admire. My goal will also be to provide some personal input from each artist - though that might not prove to be possible in every case. But, I will try my best. With that, I welcome you to my inaugural FRIDAY FEATURE post...let's begin! Welcome to the wonderful, witty, and whimsical world of Catherine Darling Hostetter! "Adoggio" ©Catherine Darling Hostetter Catherine, a full-time artist from Midvale, UT, also happens to be a friend of mine (though I don't get to see her as often as I would like). A...