Utah Watercolor Society Spring Show

It's the time of year for the Utah Watercolor Society Spring Show (UWS). I was fortunate enough to be juried into the show this year, with one of my woven abstract paintings, "Stargazer," which also showed up on the event postcard! :) The show was juried by John T. Salminen , who also presented at the UWS member meeting this past Tuesday evening. Wow! What an incredible artist and an entertaining speaker as well. The opening reception is tonight in Provo, UT. Here is the postcard. Here is my painting, "Stargazer." "Stargazer" Acrylic on 140lb watercolor paper This show is another important step in achieving Signature Member status in the UWS. I am already a Two Star Member (achieved after acceptance into two Spring Shows). Signature membership requires acceptance to eight shows (UWS Spring or Fall shows, or the Western Federation annual show). It is also required that your painting win an award at one of ...