UWS Spring Show Here I Come...Woot Woot!!

I had so much fun creating my "Kokopelli Song Woven Through my Dreams" woven painting for the Utah Watercolor Society (UWS) Two Star / Signature Member Show this year that I had to immediately create a new woven painting the next weekend (the process takes about two days). My second foray into the woven painting process, I decided to vary the weave a bit by making different sized strips for the cross sections. The second painting is titled "I Have the Experimental BLUES." Acrylic on 140 lb Arches watercolor paper. (size 13" x 19") Since "Kokopelli" was already heading to the Two Star / Signature Member Show, I entered "Experimental BLUES" into the UWS Spring Show. This is a highly competitive show that is juried by the guest artist who the UWS brings in for their week-long Spring workshop. These artists are often masters in their respective water-media fields, well-known, and making a living at their craft. The Spring...