Accepted to UWS Fall Show!

My painting, Kokopelli Song Woven Through My Dreams , was accepted to the 2013 Utah Watercolor Society (UWS) Fall Member Exhibition. I am very excited! It's another step towards achieving Signature Member status in the society, which I have been working towards for several years now. This will be my 5th painting accepted to UWS qualified, juried UWS shows. I must have eight paintings accepted and also have one painting win a major award in order to achieve Signature status. :) The show opens this Thursday night at Michael Berry Gallery in downtown Salt Lake City, UT and runs October 3 - November 1. Robert Burridge was the juror for this exhibition. I am planning to create more woven paintings in the next year, but I am currently trying to focus on completing the illustrations I have been working on. This illustration project has proven to be more challenging than I expected, giving me an entirely new appreciation for those artists who illustrate...