Painting for Fall

Summer FLEW by! Our summer was filled with tee ball games, coach pitch baseball games, and visits to grandma's house. I spent a good amount of time in my continuing efforts to complete a KonMari sort and tidy of our entire house. We are at the "miscellaneous" category in the discarding process. It's a long process for me, marked with many detours. Not the recommended (tidy all at once, in one "event") process from Marie Kondo. But, I have not lost sight of the ultimate goal, and continue to tidy by category and just keep picking up where I left off whever I can devote a few hours or a weekend to it. It is slowly, but surely coming along! (See my previous blog post " A place of Sanctuary: If I tidy up my home life, it will benefit my professional life ." to read why I think it's important to complete this tidy project.) Along the way, in July, I also received notification that I have again been selected for a group showing (3 artists) at ...