
Showing posts with the label watercolor

Not Fancy, But Functional!

Do you have a dedicated workspace for your art? It doesn't matter if you are a full-time professional artist or a hobbyist, a dedicated studio will help! My studio has gone through several iterations in the past few years. I started with unpacking supplies and taking my paints to the kitchen so I would have space to work on a full-sized sheet of watercolor paper until my painting was done, then putting everything away again. I don't recommend this method. It might take you 20-30 minutes just to get all your art supplies out and set up before you can work. What if you only have 30 minutes to paint? Kitchen table "studio" Next, I moved my "studio" to the top of my dresser in my bedroom. But, as you can guess, it was soon overrun with clothing and miscellaneous items that seem to accumulate on our dresser tops. (ARGH!) Dresser top "studio" Then I tried an old table set up in our home

Wild in the West

My new exhibition is nearing. "Wild in the West" at the Utah Arts Festival Gallery opens this Friday. I was selected for this group exhibition and have delivered 15 paintings for display.  I am excited for the opening reception on Friday night from 6p-9p during the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll. If you are in the Salt Lake City area, I hope you will join me. I would love to see you there!

Telling stories

I have recently been challenged to "tell a story" about my artwork and my technique. Each painting I create has a story behind it, and I am now in the process of trying to put that story into words (the inspiration behind creating the painting, the techniques used to create it, etc.) and to write an "artwork statement" for each of my paintings. An added component to this exercise is the fact that the digital world is now very video oriented and many people are looking for more than just words and pictures, so my extra step will be to also create a video about each painting. "A Patchwork Fall" ©Jennifer Love Today, I have created a new You Tube channel called Jennifer Love Artwork where I will try to post some videos that give you a little insight into each of my paintings. I started with a video about "A Patchwork Fall." You can click here to watch it. :) As always, thanks for stopping by my blog!