Art for Art

One of the very nice things about associating with other artists is that you have the opportunity to develop great friendships with kindred spirits. One such spirit is my good friend and fellow artist, Catherine Darling Hostetter. Catherine has been the President of Local Colors Gallery artist co-op for several years, and I worked with her closely in the year that I was with the co-op. Though I knew Catherine from UWS before, we really had a chance to become friends during my time at the gallery and I am a better artist and better person for knowing her.

Another great thing about being an artist is that you get to see so much wonderful art created by people you know and care about, and often get the back story on the pieces you love. And, you sometimes have the opportunity to trade art for art! is my story. Catherine was creating paintings for a featured show at Local Colors one month for an Angels and Saints theme. We were both up late one night and messing around on facebook. Me because I was up with my new baby at the time. She was searching ideas for themes for Saints and Angels paintings, and several good ideas had been tossed out, all of which she acted on. However, I mentioned we ought to have a Saint of tired mommies and babies. As a result, Catherine created a "Saint of Motherhood" painting, which was the centerpiece of her show, and which I fell in love with the moment I saw it! It is beautiful and touches me in my heart and soul...especially because of my personal connection to the painting. Along with the beautiful colors, patterns, texture, and theme of this painting, she has added the quote "Thou art thy mother's glass and she is in thee." ~ William Shakespeare. Words, texture, pattern - all signatures of her style. :)

Fast forward to present. Catherine and I both had paintings in the Utah State Fair this year (mine "First Green" and hers "Saint of Motherhood"). I picked her painting up when I went to get mine since she was out of town on the pick up day. And, of course, I still ADORE this painting and it looks so wonderful with the colors in our living room. Lucky for me, Catherine agreed to sell it to me for a cash + trade arrangement! So, now I am the proud and grateful owner of this beautiful painting, and she has taken "Blue Teardrops" (one of my butterfly paintings) as the trade part of our agreement. :) Though I know this piece will strike a chord with any mother, I have always just felt that the painting was meant to be mine. I am so grateful that now it is!

So, for the next while, all of my artwork sales will be going towards paying for this beautiful piece which I will love and treasure. :)

"Saint of Motherhood" by Catherine Darling Hostetter (size 48" x 36")


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